Doomverse #8 - Top 10 Monstrous Creatures of Doom!

 One of the greatest bullets in Doom's arsenal is its great variety of demons and monstrous entities. These are some of the most strategic and intelligent demons in how they attack. They are not all especially powerful, but given the opportunity they can be very effective. Sometimes they do not work very well when grouped up in clusters, but in wide open trios, they can kill if they all attack at once. 

The demons on this list have stood the test of time and have been given some amazing reiterations through gaming history. You may have to use the BFG 9000 more than once on some of these horrors. However, it is the hardest shell to crack that makes ripping and tearing so satisfying. These are demons that are not only powerful, but also iconic in more ways than one. 

The Archvile

We're going to be honest with ourselves and admit that no one actually likes to see this demon show up. They have a devastating fire attack that hits you hard and from a great distance and they can tank three rockets to the face. You have to get out of their line of sight and then use launcher or plasma gun at a distance, the Super Shotgun up close. They are priority targets, but we also have to admit that they have had a very positive effect. Not only do they look awesome, but the way they resurrect other creatures and give you the adrenaline rush just speaks volumes. 


Running into human zombie creatures in the first level was one thing, but then running into these weird spiked creatures happened. They start throwing fireballs at you, you're not entirely sure how to handle this and that is a fantastic introduction to Doom! The imp is in every iteration of Doom and there is a very good reason for this. When mixed with other monsters, their fireballs can come out of nowhere. Imps can populate a map and be taken out with explosives, but normally the shotgun works just fine. They aren't all that strong, but they'll kill you with a thousand cuts!


These huge, massive tiger-striped aliens were very iconic of Doom 2. The Archvile was an occasional appearance but the Mancubus was used quite a bit to glorious effect! Their fire attacks can be dodged but they are devastating to your health! These big bastards also absorb a lot of bullets and their death animations are awesome, no matter what Doom game you're playing! The original classic iterations also had some very unique soundclips to them. Of all the beasts, they strangely sound the most human.


These are skeletons. That's all. Do not pay attention to the fact that they have missile launchers on their shoulders and some of them are heatseeking missiles! These guys take a bit more to take down than your normal affair, but they can also slap you rather hard from a long distance. Make sure the missiles bank onto a wall and explode because you need to dodge quick! Don't even get into the fact that they start flying in Doom 4!

Demon (Pinky)

So, you've had a few levels of human things and imps, so you think you know Doom. That's when they start throwing these weird, pink demons at you that start to gnaw! These were just "demons" in the original lineup, but thanks to fanfare and love for this little guy, it has now been named "Pinky". The Pinkies even get a front armor upgrade in Doom 4 and their charges become even harder hitting! They make up for it with a soft backside and a fang that you can slide across its throat!


When you think iconic demon, you start to see flying faces with one eye! These big red spheres shoot lightning fireballs, if that makes any sense, and they are obviously a bit more complex to deal with when there are ground-crawling horde demons nipping at your heels. They can be taken care of with a chaingun rather well, as they get the hurt face, which is their body!

Spider Mastermind

The arachnotron was going to make the list, but the Spider Mastermind has to take the iconic role on this particular list in the Doomverse! Every shot from his chaingun has the impact of a shotgun and he is a bullet sponge! Now, is he as much of a challenge to be his own boss battle? No, not so much. While he may have been a bit of a disappointment when you bear a full arsenal, he has his place among the greats with his part in other levels. His fight in the Doom 2 level, "Gotcha", can always be marvelled at. It's fun to see that he can either win or lose the fight. Although, the problem is that the next demon usually wins.  


These big bastards started with Ultimate Doom and they are not to be trifled with. In the first level you meet him, he is accompanied by Lost Souls. If you know Doom, you know using the rocket launcher against Lost Souls can be a big mistake. So, obviously, save up all of your cell charges and use the BFG and the plasmarifle as needed. When those fail, the chaingun at a distance or the Super Shotgun up close. The Cyberdemon is immune to rocket area damage, so keep out of his way. 

The Bruiser Brothers

When you played Knee Deep in the Dead, the last two demons you met were two Barons of Hell. The Bruiser Brothers were coined and they attacked you along with some spectres in the arena. Their green flame attacks are critically damaging, but they also are easy to read. Circle strafing them with a rocket launcher and a chaingun will do the trick. Obviously, if you haven't noticed, the Super Shotgun works in many of these situations as well. Sadly, if you're playing the straight first game, then the Super Shotgun wasn't a weapon yet.  However effective it is against Barons. Though, it's not so much for the last on our list.

The Icon of Sin

Love it or hate it, The Icon of Sin is literally an icon! In order to hurt this thing, you need to shoot the brain with either the BFG or the rocket launcher. You have to do partial area damage to the "brain" in order to destroy it. The demon spawning Doom 2 final villain is not so well looked upon by many, but behind that visage of the demon, there is another icon. Not only has John Romero been the "brain" put behind it with his head on a peg, his voice also accompanies the level, backwards. This, by default, makes this villain awesome.  Not only that, but they brought him back for Doom Eternal and gave him an awesome boss battle. He has more than earned his place on the top of this list. 

X-men: Destiny (PS3) - What Destiny?

 Marvel Comics may not be held in such high esteem right this moment. Certain elements have changed in it and that is quite a shame. There is a large fanbase out there that will never give up on one certain time in the storyline. The 1992 animated series is held as one of the greatest parts of the timeline. We all remember Wolverine, Storm, Gambit and all of them being a part of the X-men and following Professor X out on missions to fight the Brotherhood of Mutants led by Magneto. 

Throughout the duration of the comics, a lot has happened. New characters have come and gone and the comic book scene has changed a great deal. Honestly, I haven't followed any of it. Also, this game is not set in that timeline, but it's fairly close. There are some of the old school characters like Cyclops, Wolverine, Pyro and Magneto, but it also has Pixie, Surge and White Queen. Yes, this is more than likely set when Jean Grey died for the third or fourth time and Scott Summers got with his new dom-- I mean... girlfriend. 

This game is not held in very high regard at all. There is a very good reason for this. The combat system is repetitive, the graphics are rather pitiful and the storyline is rather laughable. The game is extremely easy. Once you figure out the pattern of the bosses, which is really simple, and you upgrade your mutant powers, then you're pretty much bashing and smashing your way through their best guys. 

The shadow ability is not very good, let's get that clear. Go with the Density Control or the Energy Projection with the light power. They do far more damage and have the best abilities. The game isn't the most cinematic because of the graphics, but when you use the powers, it does pack something of a good punch. The beat'em up elements of this game are very satisfying, so someone got that right. It would be something different if you were just punching down cardboard things.

If you are an X-men fan, then it will give you some of those nostalgic vibes. You'll run into Wolverine or Juggernaut and there will come some good memories of those episodes of old. As said before, the story is garbage. However, you do get to choose your own characer and your own powers, giving you some of that good customization. It's very limited, but at least it's nice to see the attempt. 

The development of this game was messy and it was clear that some of the people on staff were not very big fans, especially with the character designs.Still, there were several elements that they did get right and there was a lot that came through as a very clever callback to old characters we knew and loved. A lot of it, though, was a little annoying. This is especially true when you get teleported by Nightcrawler and he keeps talking about how you shouldn't do this but doing that is a good idea. Oh, no! Don't go to the Brotherhood!

You have a choice that is not really much of a choice in the end. They attempted to make there be multiple endings, but it turns out the endings are basically the same. Either way, you fight the badguy at the end and Magneto is doing something. A lot of these elements are just traded or stay the same and a lot of it is just rinse and repeat. The big difference that is actually noticeable is, if you go with the Brotherhood, you have a boss fight against Wolverine. If you go with the X-men, you fight Juggernaut. Wolverine is the easier fight, if that makes a difference for you. 

This is a guilty pleasure, but there are plenty of great elements that someone can look back on fondly. This is also a great time capsule of a game for 2011. It's a very good game to take some aggression out on if you just want to bash around some Purifiers and smash some big machines apart. It's become something of a rarity as of late. This is mostly because the developers that made it lost their court case and many copies were destroyed. X-men Destiny is seen as something of a weak installment of the franchise, but in a vacuum, it's not a terrible piece of the 2000's property. X-men is worth saving and this title can have a little trailer on the getaway.

Doom 4 (PS4) - The Return of the Super Shotgun

Id Software have been some of the most influential developers in gaming history, and for good reason. Even without the original team, they still hold their work up to the highest standards they possibly can. It’s not so much that their work is especially bloody and gory, it’s the look and the feel of the gore as it is shot out the back of a demon’s face that truly draws the crowd. Doom 2016 (or Doom 4 as I will be calling it) was a ridiculous return to form after a decade of silence from the genre. 

Doom and Doom 2 were essentially twin games that shaped the entire FPS genre. Then Doom 3 came along and dulled it down to a dark, gritty graphic hog that some fans considered a snorefest. After the run-and-gun blasters that the first two were, Doom 3 looked constipated and lethargic by comparison. At the time, it didn’t test very well among the public, but fans warmed up to it over time. 

The problem was that the third installment also cast a shadow of doubt over the fourth installment. As retroactively decent as it became, fans did not want this to be the standard Doom of the 2010’s. When Doom 4 was announced, there came a gigantic answer.

This game has graphics that will bulge your eyes out, even by today’s standards, they’re great! Each level has amazingly gory details and the corruption that the demons cause throughout the game can be seen in the highest of definitions. The devs packed every level with a landscape outstretched as far as the eye can see. Whether it be the long open range, to the tiniest of claustrophobic corners, you’re getting your eyeful. Whether it be a landing platform, a science lab or a business office building, Doom 4 proves that you can stick dead bodies and visceral growth anywhere and everywhere. 

The demons are very recognizable as well. Even though some of them received a bit of an overhaul in terms of their design, you know who they are. In a stark difference from the original two shooters, you get to see these demons up close and personal as you tear their limbs apart and take their organs out of their bodies with the force of a sledge hammer. 

If it wasn’t already clear, the graphics got an upgrade several times over and set a ridiculous standard for all of its peers. It is clear that these visuals will age like a fine wine and keep its beauty for ages to come. 

Featuring some of the most acid chomping techno metal to coincide with your ripping and tearing. Doom 4 employed a wonderful idea of making the music start pumping harder as action scenes start and thrash as the monsters start lining up just to catch a lead sandwich straight to the face. Much like its successor, you can argue that adding the techno aspect was a mistake but your nay saying is drowned out as it causes great engagement and makes me headbang in every aspect of the phrase, both banging my head to the music while also banging an imp’s head against the wall as it goes splat!

While there’s not a whole lot of voice acting to speak of, what actors they did get did their jobs exceedingly well. The stars of the show, however, were the sound designers. Both the crunching of the bones and the blasting of the shotguns were astronomical to the whole experience. Everytime you heard the squishing, gushing sound of a heart being wrenched out of a demon’s chest, you should read the credits and know who to thank for the joy you’ve felt.

While not entirely a clone as such, the fourth installment in the Doom franchise boasts a very familiar game design to its retro counterparts, albeit upgraded and fleshed out to today’s steep standards. Some would call it repetitive and simplistic, but isn’t that the point? The Doom fans looking for that old nostalgic shoot’em up will not be disappointed in the least. Those looking for a Call of Duty type “realistic” shooter can look elsewhere. There are tons of military shooters for you to cut your teeth on. Real true blue retro 90’s shooters brought to the current generation in such a sensational way are in short supply. 

You don’t reload your guns, you don’t automatically regenerate and you are not in a series of linear levels that are straight, narrow hallways. You need to keep your guns blazing, keep moving and killing while picking up as much health and armor as you can. Getting lost in levels can get a little disconcerting as it interrupts the pacing, but that’s why you have the map to help you along. 

The hordes of demons you face can get ridiculously huge. The little devils climb out of the woodworks all around you and they can be slippery at times. Sometimes they deal damage that can drain half of your health bar in a single hit. With nine or ten of them tearing at your every angle, it can get nerve racking to try and keep up. With the proper weapon, health, ammo and armor upgrades, this becomes a lot better and the difficulty is turned on its head before the end. 

This gameplay is accentuated with the help of some very nifty little easter eggs and collectibles throughout the entire runtime. It makes you want to collect all of the little Doom Marine figurines and it makes you crave all of the extras just for the simple fact that you started finding them in the first place. One of the biggest draws of this were the secret classic Doom levels hidden in secrets throughout the game. Doom 4 makes it rather difficult to find these classic levels because of the platforming and the high elevations they are placed in. For many fans, though, it is well worth the trouble. 

The word for this game is “intuitive”, as it symbolizes simplistic gameplay and makes learning its playstyle ever so easy to jump into. It starts you off slow with just a few imps and shotgunners to whet your appetite before it lowers you down into the depths of hell, literally. The weapons are simple, as well as the attachments and upgrades they acquire. The hardest part to figure out is which one will be your favorite. Even the mechanics behind the chainsaw are self explanatory. You don’t need the game to pause in order to figure out how these things work, you just need a few unwitting opponents to test them out on. The game does this so off-handedly, you sometimes don’t even know it’s doing it. 

Compared to other iterations of the franchise, Doom 4 is rather easy in more than one way. With the levels of strength you attain bashing skulls, you can plow through the ranks with ease and look damn good while doing it. There are more difficult stages to be had, for sure. The argent tower is a test in patience when platforms move just as you are about to jump on them or when you land on them just as something large and heavy crush you upon your advent. 

Then there are a couple of the boss battles that can seem more bullet spongy than your normal affair. The challenge isn’t so much in the tactics you employ rather the fact that it takes a little longer than it should to bring them down. This is a very minor nitpick and over time, it can be overcome. 

For you real thrill seekers out there, you could always try Ultra Nightmare. Good luck with that is all I have to say.

The best thing that people can say about the story behind Doom 2016 is that while all of it is going around the Doom Slayer, he really couldn’t care less. The only thing he cares about is his armored boot stomping some evil skulls. Whether the demons’ skulls are evil is up to interpretation but that’s what we’re going with.

So, the Argent Facility brought up some Hell energy in order to solve a global crisis. One of their workers got a bit of the crazies and decided to unleash hell into our dimension. The good news is that along their journey, they also found a tomb that encased the Doomguy! Thanks to that, he was also unleashed back into our dimension and the head of Argent decided to employ him as a bit of a butler in order to tidy up the Hell problem. 

This whole thing is told to us in a series of maybe three cut scenes. One of them takes a little longer than usual, but it doesn’t affect the pacing of the game all that much. We get those small interruptions every so often and that’s about it. If you want to know more about it, you can read story clips throughout the game, if that’s your thing. If not, dust the brains and gore off of your Doom armor and get back to work!

As said before, the collectibles in this game are a joy to behold. You can have hours of fun just hunting those, if that’s your cup o’tea. The secret levels, the Doomguy toys and the challenges are well worth your time and a whole other playthrough on increased difficulty. 

More than that, though, it just feels great to indulge in your savage instincts to squash the little devils with your rage! You can play this game on Arcade Mode for higher points and achievements or you can just play through the Story Mode by levels for some of your favorite parts. One thing it could have done is allow you to play against the bosses as a selectable chapter to play on their own. There is plenty of joy to be had in dominating their levels to get to them, don’t get me wrong.

Yes, I love this game and no, I’m not counting the Multiplayer Mode in this review. I didn’t find the Multiplayer to be all that terrible, but at the same time, it is a whole other game all its own. The Single Player is where it’s at! It is an amazing return to form in its own right and it trudged back to its throne. It took up its mantle once again and roared in triumph! 

This game still beats Doom Eternal, in my humble opinion. When I want to just pick up the controller and tear through demon flesh, this game is the one I will go to in a single heartbeat. With Eternal, I just think about all of the platforming and all of the extra stuff they tacked onto it and I can still play it, but not with near as much enthusiasm. Nothing against Doom Eternal as a whole, it’s still a great game. 

Doom 4 is definitely the piece of the pie I will take any day of the week. It has its nitpicks and shortcomings but that matters naught. It cannot be compared in quality to the original Doom, as they are both different games and amazing in their own respective rights. Death has never looked so amazing in pixelated visuals as it does here. Id deserves all the credit for all of their achievements and their last two games are proof of this. Do not let this escape your collection, whatever port you decide to get it on. 

Remember to kill well, and always drink water.

Duke Nukem 3D (Saturn) - Stop Stealing our Chicks!

A game that needs very little introduction on its own and was another landmark in the First Person Shooter genre of video games. Duke Nukem wasn’t perfect, but it certainly was a fantastic way to jump from Doom to a new age of games when it came to play style. Where Doom made different vertical levels possible, Duke Nukem made it to where you could not only jump, vertical aim and platform, but also fly around on a jet pack. There were now recognizable structures that you could view around a city with different environments and entire alien worlds.

After the abysmal port of Doom to the Sega Saturn, many might think that Duke would be similarly tainted by framerate and movement problems. The exact opposite is true, as it ported the game with seemingly no differences and even did it better than the Playstation and the N64. Textures, lighting and graphics were transported to the system and it delivered on an amazing scale.

As said before, it wasn’t perfect. Using the controller was a bit of a switch from the normal keyboard and mouse and it took some getting used to, especially when it came to things like aiming. However, the learning curve worked well with the levels. As difficulty grew, so too did your ability to use the Saturn controller. Many, such as myself, played this port of Duke Nukem more than the PC itself.

With such great innovations as environments rich with both detail and interactivity, Duke Nukem had a great deal of high points that still shine bright today. The main character was a badass, although his one-liners weren’t exactly what we’d call original. His large array of weapons was a lot of fun to sort through and test out in the battlefield.

While his franchise didn’t exactly pan out very well at the end of it, it certainly shined in the early games. Duke Nukem 3D remains the best game in the entire line-up and that is not an insult to the other games. They even made the conversion over to the Saturn with grace and elegance and you can master the controls in no time. If you have the opportunity to pick up this title, do not hesitate. Although, it has become somewhat pricey among the retro gaming community. Just stay safe and game well while you’re drinking water.

Podcast Episode #1 - Face Doom on Planet Virtua!

We have a brand new podcast! Virtua Panzer joins me as we cleanse the planet of the demons from DOOM! We talk about Doom and many offshoots of the FPS genre on the Sega Saturn! Join us for our first episode with, hopefully, many more to come.

Weirdest FPS Games on the Sega Saturn

 The FPS Genre is something to behold when it comes to how it shaped the gaming world as a whole. Its existence on the PC is undeniable and it seems like that goes without saying. However, when it comes to console FPS games, this gets a little tricky. The Sega Saturn had no shortage of good games when it came to the genre. Though Doom didn't turn out quite as well as we had hoped, we got a wonderful port of Quake and Duke Nukem 3D so it's not like we were starving. If you wanted to count railshooters, the Saturn had those in droves as well. 

This was not to be for all of the games, though. First Person Shooters are very hard to pull off well on a console, especially back in the days when joysticks were not standard. The Saturn pulled them off well enough with the d-pad and the button systems, but that's not to say it was always a tiptoe through the gory tulips. 

After revisiting these games for myself, though, it became very clear that their quality didn't exactly lie in their appeal as games. It was more their appeal as experiences that draws in a crowd to these misfits. This is a very specific and very inspired genre of games that give you something that's not good as we like to call it in the business. These are very, very interesting for more reasons than one. Let's have a look?


If you're in the mood for a lot of long, long hallways, here's your baby. This sucker can hold so many machine guns. For real, though, this is a very strange one, but also quite boring. There are enemies, but the corridors you need to go through can get somewhat mesmerizing if you keep playing it for too long. There's no soundtrack and with the very light sounds it makes, you can bet that at some point, you're going to catch some Z's. The real draw to this game, though, is the free-roam effect that it gives you, as well as the wondrous polygonal Sega Saturn view that we all know and love. Still, not great.

                                                                    Space Hulk: Vengence of the Blood Angel

If you're in the mood for Load Times, this is your baby. Who here has never played Warhammer 40k? Well, if you haven't, you probably still have some money in the bank somewhere. This boardgame system will cost you a fortune, so you can forgo it by getting it on video games. Here you go! Space Hulk: The Really Long Subtitle, has nothing but old timey charm going for it. To its credit, though, it has a lot of that going for it. If you love some golden age 40K experience, then, this is your baby and all of your dreams have come true. Now, not your graphical dreams, maybe. Not unless you REALLY love the 32-bit sketchy look. Then, yes, all of your dreams and Christmases and Hanukkahs have come true.  

                                                                    Congo The Movie: The City of Zinj

Full Motion Video territory is not the territory we want to be in. Ape Territory isn't great either, but I'll take what I can get. The problem with this? Ape territory is scarce. No, I don't mean like it's only half the game, it's almost none of the game. You get spiders, there's actually quite a lot of those and there are a lot of nothing. Actually, there's a whole lot of nothing here. By far, this can be counted as the worst game on this list, but it's also so weird and funny with the FMV cut scenes. This guy tries to cut himself into the Congo movie, and that movie is terrible to begin with. His acting is on par with just about any run-of-the-mill FMV and he can be pretty entertaining to watch.

                                                                                                                Krazy Ivan

Yeah, we're not going to talk about Russia or anything political here. Let's focus on the game. This game is extremely racist and stereotypical. I know, great start, right? Seriously, the accents and acting, it's all FMV cut scenes and wow, is it some kind of horrible. Does it fall into so-bad-it's-good? Yes, but it is also quite offensive, so we'll go half and half with it. Obviously, different times and whatnot, but at least it should be somewhat serviceable. Even for the time, this was bad.

When we're talking about the game. You're a tank and you roll around to shoot other tanks. Your weapons are terrible and you blow up a lot. This game drones, so, yeah, even its best features are some bad features. We'll call it second worst to Congo.

                                                                                                        Magic Carpet

It wasn't until I started playing this again that I realized that I've actually played this before in my childhood. Where did I get this game? Whose was it? It wasn't from Blockbuster, I will tell you that much. This was a weird, amazingly strange, amazingly... WEIRD title. It's basically just free-roaming on a magic carpet with an engine sound. I don't know what else to tell you. There are people in deserts with turbins and some tents and whatnot but as for gameplay, there's really not much to speak of. Can you do stuff? Yes. Do I understand it or will I attempt to? No. You can fly around and collect vases and fire off a spark thing, but other than that, it's vast open fields with minor loops of gameplay. Do I want to keep playing it? Yes, very much so.

                                                                                                            Ghen War

Rounding out this list is an extremely mediocre title. The mech suit genre was no stranger to the gaming world, but very seldom have they been pulled off really well. This was one of those titles that wasn't pulled off well at all. The foot sounds from your machine, the gun sounds and the overall gameplay is a bit grating. However, the graphics and the free-roam, once again, save this title because it is actually quite fun to just go around and shoot things. Does it get old after a while? Yes, and you will need to find a way to go through the actual gameplay if you want to keep doing it. Still, this title is a big half-and-half of an FPS, so why not give it a shot?

The best first person shooters are always fun to play, but sometimes, you should really indulge in some weird titles. Are they always to your liking? Oh, no, absolutely not. They are subjective and experiences in these titles vary so much that putting forth a real concrete review of many of these titles is very difficult. The AI, the gameplay, the enemies, all of them act so differently as a result of free roaming mechanics and gameplay. 

Some of these titles you will put down in five minutes. Some of them you will pick up and put down at around three or four in the morning because you forgot what time it was. 

Doom Eternal (PS4) - The Marauder Sucks!

After the ever present, amazing quality of Doom from 2016, expectations were astronomical for Doom Eternal. The fans wanted it more than oxygen, Bethesda wanted to deliver it because Fallout 76 was such an abysmal failure and all of the non-fans wanted to see just what the crap people were so hyped about. With test footage filling youtube, gameplay demos whetting the appetite of game reviewers at QuakeCon and promos of Doomguy and Isabelle from Animal Crossing looking absolutely adorable, you could stack the ladder to space and you still wouldn’t reach the levels of NEED Doom fans were feeling! 

Did it deliver? Well, the answer has more asterisks than a High School band poster. Today, we’ll be looking at the game that was needed so badly that both Bethesda and Gamestop were willing to put their businesses on the line just to make sure that it was released on time without any interruptions. After such a line of excellence, the Doom series has been held to the highest of standards. Id had their work cut out for them. Keep in mind: Yes, this is going to be compared to the former Doom of 2016. It’s a sequel, so it’s got to bring the goods just like Doom 4 did. There’s a lot to go over, so let’s dive right in!

One place where this game absolutely thrives is in its graphics and details. Much like its predecessor, this game knows how to deliver when it comes to the demons and the gore. No matter what anyone says, the bullets piercing through the flesh with the blades piercing the skulls looks astounding! You can look anywhere in this game and if you’re not in awe with its attention to detail, you’re laughing at the many callbacks in-jokes you’ll see along the way. 

You can just tell where levels could have been lived in at some point in time. They looked like a real city that’s been ripped to shreds by a demon invasion. The implications are revolting, but just remember, it’s a game. This is not just city wreckage, either. This is planes flying through buildings and office buildings with desks in shambles. There doesn’t seem to be any bodies, but you can imagine that they were transformed into the creatures you now fight.

Every demon, from the smallest imp to the mightiest of barons have gotten an upgrade in graphics. Even if they are miniscule, you can tell the difference when you have a side by side comparison. Not only do the old demons have a return but there are several several new types of demons, as well as monsters we haven’t seen since Doom 2. The detail is so awesome that you can even see the meat fly off of them as you shoot them. One shotgun blast and you’re starting to see tendons beneath their skin. It’s quite the spectacle to behold. 

Glory kills make a return, though, it is worth mentioning that many of them rely on the new left arm blade the Doom Slayer wears on his newly upgraded armor. Though, it was a bit more fun to see him twist them with his bare hands, the blade is not an unwelcome addition. 

Where Doom 4 took place either in hell or on Mars, this game takes place mostly on Earth. Sometimes, however, it takes place in a coliseum surrounded by a catedral! The level design for this game are out of this world and they cannot be overstated. They range from beautiful and breathtaking to sinister and grim. Either way, they hit the nail on the head.

Once again, amazing work done by the devs at id. With some fantastic voice work done by everyone involved, you have no problems suspending your disbelief and getting right into the universe that is Doom Eternal. The gun sounds have impact and the explosions have the boom you crave! They even improved on the grenade effects all around. 

Though many would argue that the techno aspect of the soundtrack is misplaced, it is very reminiscent of Nine Inch Nails, with whom id used as many aspects of inspiration. It is fantastic ripping skulls apart to this soundtrack. The music was designed to hype up as you get to the tearing of limbs. It works. You can just feel Doom Slayer’s anger with shredding guitar licks while blaring carnage upon hell itself!

Okay, hunker down, this is where things get complicated. You’ve got the ripping and the tearing, let’s get that out of the way right off the bat. There’s blood for everyone and plenty of guts flying around to keep you sated and keep the demons dying at your feet. All of that is there and it is a lot of fun when you’re clawing through the crowd with the monstrous fury that is unrivaled. 

However, let’s start at the very beginning. They went a little heavy on the learning curve when it came to the start. Not only are there some somewhat difficult enemies right off the bat, but there are a lot of smaller demons around them to keep you busy. This would not be so bad, par for the course even, if it weren’t for the fact that you are getting ridiculously low amounts of ammo at the word go. This was a very, very questionable decision. If there is one thing that Doom is known for, it’s your arsenal and how you can carry ridiculous amounts of bullets without the need to reload. You don’t need to reload (In fact, on PC, the R key is for the grenade) but what you do need is the chainsaw. Where this melee marvel was somewhat optional and fun gimmick in the 2016 rendition, now it is obligatory to the point of death! This takes away from the fun factor on many levels. When you run out of ammo and then run out of fuel for your chainsaw, you have other options, but that is a whole nother can of worms.

Let’s open one of them in the form of the Blood Punch. Sometimes, when you’ve powered it up enough, your initial punch (outside of the glory kill) will explode and maim your enemy more than it would. The normal punch is so weak that even a zombie feels like it was made of titanium when the Doom Slayer’s punch takes three, four, even five tries before he goes to the softened state for glory killing. 

While we’re on the subject of new mechanics, there is also a multiple currency system that can get rather confusing when you’re trying to figure out what you’re spending. This can be forgiven when you know that id refused to put microtransactions in this game. In fact, a lot of things can be forgiven in that light, so kudos for that. 

Then we move on to some of the most frustrating aspects of this game. The pacing is absolutely bipolar. One common complaint about Doom 2016 was that it got a bit monotonous in the amount of time spent with nothing but killing demons. In response, Doom Eternal added in a very prominent mechanic in platforming. Where the Argent Tower in 2016 was easily one of the worst parts of that game, now you get to see aspects of that all through the game. This stops the game’s pace when you either can’t perform the tricks or just don’t know where to attach to a wall. They even slap a big ugly hook on the front of the game’s greatest weapon, The Super Shotgun (yes that’s a subjective opinion, but this is my review and that’s what I say) so that you can do more platforming. Yes, it’s kind of cool to impale demons with it and shoot them up close, but the platforming gets ridiculous! When you just want to pull the heads off of imps but can’t because you need to literally jump through hoops, it can get agitating. 

Something that’s more of a nitpick than a complaint is when you first run into new demons. The game literally stops and holds up a sign in front of you saying “Here is the new demon, here is their weak spot, use this to kill them.” Running into new demons should be something of an experience, now it just seems like you have a little angel on your shoulder, whispering you their dirty little secrets and taking the fun out of the discovery. This also happens to a bigger degree when you get new weapons and new devices to use. Only then, they instantly teleport you to a test arena to try them out. Once again, experience, discovery, gone. 

The last thing that you should know, going out on a high note, is that the new boss battles are amazingly awesome! You run into some familiar faces as well as some new faces and either way, it’s just fun to see. Fighting these big behemoths actually overshadows the 2016 game in that you get more, bigger and better bosses. I will not spoil these for you, just know that they are worth the wait. You just gotta get through those darn obstacles and climb those stupid walls! 

The problem with Doom Eternal is not so much that it’s hard to learn, it’s more just how you learn that’s the problem. The game can run you through the weapon and demon classes all it wants. All of these lessons and cutaway classes are fine and dandy, but applying them while nine or ten demons are nipping at your heals and chasing you around the table like a creeper is a completely different story. You really need to have some experience with Doom 4 or First Person Shooters in general if you want to survive your first few outings with this game. It doesn’t take a lot of time to learn, but you better be on the verge of mastering it very quickly. 

This is accentuated when you are forced to learn all of your gadgets and the buttons they are attached to. One wrong push of the button can very easily mean your death. 

Doom Eternal takes the concept of challenge and just adds all of the tabs in the filing shelf to each and every single page. This game is hard! It doesn’t matter how good you think you are. If you take this game lightly, it will bash your face in with its monstrous claws and laugh at you as you get back up. Some of this challenge is relieved with the addition of Extra Lives, which let you stay in the game even if you die, but those are finite. If you do not upgrade your Health, Ammo and Armor in a hurry, you will die many times.

When people think of the challenge of Doom Eternal, the first image that comes to mind is none other than the Marauder! This is a brand new beast first instituted as a boss battle, but then brought in as a monster to fight alongside other demons! These guys are atrociously difficult unless you get lucky or are able to fight them alone. The fact that they spawn demons dogs does not help with this concept in the slightest. 

Not only did they introduce the Marauder to the cast of enemies, but they also brought back the Archvile! I will not go into detail about these annoyances, but oldtime Doom fans will know what that means. I’ll just let that soak in.

It’s not so much that they keep throwing hordes of enemies your way, but it’s also that they find new and creative ways to make them more ferocious. That’s definitely a point in the game’s favor. No matter your gaming style, you will find your challenge here. You will die, don’t you doubt.

Where the game differs greatly from its ascendants the most is the fact that it features an extremely prominent storyline. Doom 3 didn’t even have this level of narration coursing through its gory veins. The destruction of Earth and the forces on both opposing sides are delved into much further. You get to see far more of Hell’s rankings and you even get to meet Doomguy’s peers and allies in his battles against them. 

Honestly, it’s nice to have, but at the same time, there’s a bit too much. There even comes times when you start asking questions that never get answered. Characters are shown, do something or say something and then they bugger off, never to be seen or talked about again. It helps to add to the Doom Slayer’s awesomeness when you see how he interacts with normal human beings, but then you see people try to order him around. The Doomguy rarely talks, but that doesn’t help when you want to know who these people actually are and what their relationship is. 

The story gets a bit annoying when you are given cutscenes that seem to serve no real purpose, nor do you see where some of them fit into the story. You learn a lot more about the Doomguy and what you learn does not take away from his mystique, so that’s definitely a strike in the game’s favor. Not to mention, you always have the option of skipping the cutscenes altogether, so it’s not a real hindrance. You can read the flavor text too, but there are demons that still breathe. 

While replaying the platforming puzzles isn’t the most enticing idea in the world, there is still much to be found in every level. In fact, the addition of cheat codes by itself is plenty of incentive to replay this entire game to search every crevice. The secrets are bountiful in their treasures. You collect little figures of all of the monsters, just like the Doomguy figures of 2016, and they are just as cute as they should be. Then there’s the music records and the secret challenges that you can check out and conquer for more perks and amazing gameplay! 

While I do not enjoy it quite as much as Doom 4, I will be glad to pick this game up and munch demon flesh in the future. It is worthy of the Doom name, that much is for certain. The only real crack in the mirror is the pacing for this game. There were times when I just wanted to pull my enemies apart like fresh bread but I was stuck trying to push the climb-wall button and jumping through red tape in order to do so. However, the platforming puzzles are toned down as the game goes on and you gain more ammunition as you gain levels. It’s a fantastic game, it just takes a little while before it starts reaching its full potential. 

Though, it didn’t fully live up to the hype building around it, in my honest opinion, it really just took a bit of acquiring taste. When you tally up the demon blood spilled as well as the size of said demons that you kill, you can definitely come out in the black. You definitely meet your rip and tear quota and you have a lot of fun doing it. Do not let this escape your collection and do not let any of Hell’s minions escape your grasp!

Quake (Saturn) - The 3D Reckoning

ID software is known for their legendary titles, and Quake is one of them. Not only was this another landmark for first person shooters, but it was a gigantic jump in gaming graphics as a whole. The three dimensional graphics paved the way for so many gaming companies and showed what a powerful gaming engine was capable of. This brought deathmatching to a whole new level and gibbed its enemies with the utmost amazing details that could be seen in '96. Then it was ported to the Sega Saturn. How did it make the transition? Pretty damn well!

Is it perfect and better than the PC? No, definitely not. Is it better than the Playstation port? Of course it is. There was no PSX port. It was ported to N64 and Saturn within its first release. The Saturn port was well received, despite its graphical downfalls. The controls and the killing still work just fine and the ogres are still total jerks and the super shotgun is still awesome! Quake didn't make such a huge splash as Doom, but it still has a thriving fanbase to this day, especially with such a legendary soundtrack by Nine Inch Nails. That's right, we're bringing that up!

Now, the controls work fine, but it still has its faults when it comes to gameplay. Sometimes, the auto-aim doesn't work quite so well and there are times when you can unload an entire clip into someone and hit air because the game didn't feel like your angle could shoot the wings off a fly. Jumping and platforming are hindered by using the Saturn controls, but it just takes some adjusting. It is functional, but it's not a keyboard and mouse. 

The monsters have a bit of a graphical downgrade, but they're still recognizable and I don't think I've mentioned this, but the ogres are still jerks! Lobotomy Software seems to love the Sega Saturn more than any other console. Not only did they bring Duke Nukem to the system, but they also slammed Quake into a homerun with this port. This is still Quake and its still awesome. The real downfall of this port is that it has no multiplayer functions, and thus, no arena maps. The internet was sketchy to downright non-existent until Seganet came to the Dreamcast, so Deathmatching on the Saturn was a no-go. 

After such a dismal port of Doom, it's wonderful to see the Saturn turn around and do justice to a far graphically superior game. Lobotomy Software's contribution to the Saturn library can never be overstated. This is legendary. Not only does it prove the Saturn's capabilities were very real but it also captured Quake in such a great way. The beautifully brown and gritty setting and the gothic tone were implemented with style and grace, although that also means the fiends are jumping at you in full force. Remember to aim both barrels at those faceless beasts!

Top 10 Greatest NES Games!

 We all remember our first. Gamers will always remember their first consoles, whether it be the PS2 or the SNES, but I must go a little further back. The Nintendo Entertainment System saved the gaming industry from the crash, showing people that games could get better and bring us together even more with more accessible games that everyone could play. You could just pop in a game and play. With such amazing titles that were so easy to learn, it really was no problem for it to work its way into the childhoods of many. 

These are the games that turned out the greatest gaming experience. Think about playing these for hours on end, being the greatest games outside of the arcades or PC's, depending on which type you were at the time. The NES was only rivaled by the Sega Master System, but that was far less popular by comparison. That doesn't mean the NES was better, but let's face it, it really was. These titles littered the system, which has a ridiculously substantial library both official and unofficially. The truly great titles came forth for all to see and here are my favorites! 


There came a time when 2 players meant something. One of you was Rambo while the other was the Terminator! All kinds of shooting, jumping, power ups and cheat codes have been thrown into this wonderful game that has worked its way into legend! Its music is iconic, much like many on this list, and there are memories poured into it where your brother should have jumped JUST A LITTLE SOONER! Do it again! 

                                                                                Mike Tyson's Punchout

You do not know clench until you know fighting your way through Bald Bull and Soda Popinski or Vodka Drunkinski, whatever you wish to go with. This is the game that truly tested your hand-eye coordination and made you pay attention to telling windups. The further you got through the levels, the more you had to pay attention and act sooner. Sometimes, if you take on a bad pattern all at once, that meant you won the fight. Opponents like King Hippo needed one simple secret which made him the textbook example of a glass cannon! This game is also famous for having Mike Tyson at the end and he was ruthless! Good luck against him!

                                                                                                    Life Force

Consider this number eleven on my top soundtracks. No, your random game I haven't played is not on the list, sorry. This game is amazing on two player especially. Going through the galaxy, weird bodies of gargantuan beasts and taking down strange, ever prolific defenses has never been more fun. Whatever kind of jet starfighters you have must have been top of the line. The upgrades you get throughout the game will be the highlight of the experience all around. The bosses are beautiful and the graphics are 8-bit bliss. Do not forget to try this title.

                                                                                    Super Mario Bros. 3

All you had to do was ask. This is, by far, one of the most telling titles of a system. One look at the logo for this game and the NES shines throughout the multiverse of new consoles we have today. This game has been ported again and again to new games and new collections. Even on the portable consoles, this is a topseller and always will be. It is a threequel that will live in history, just like the fact that Super Mario 2 is Doki Doki Panic. We'll never live that down, I guess.

                                                                                       The Legend of Zelda

The legend truly began on the NES. This game changed the rules for fantasy in gaming and changed the way we look at triangles. Tracking your way through burning bushes, moving rocks and horrific creatures has been fun in 8-bits on many occasions, this one brings a brightness to action and reward for searching your way and paying attention to your surroundings. Getting to the white outfit and collecting hearts throughout the game is so satisfying and the gameplay will encapsulate you. There is a reason this launched one of Nintendo's flagship franchises.

                                                                                Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2

One of the premiere beat'emups for the arcades made by Konami and here it is ported to an awesome system by ULTRA! Taking down footninjas at the comfort of your own home is a tubular trip, dude! Whether you picked Donny for his bostaff's reach, or just picked your favorite like I picked Mikey, this is just wonderful! Take down Rocksteady, Bebop and work your way to Shredder! The levels and the challenge is beautiful to behold, even if it wasn't as great as the arcade, it worked enough to boot some foot in the face!


Was I good at this game? No, I barely got through the second level, but I still loved this game! It is beautiful! I helped my brother get through a lot of this game and we both beat this game together! That makes this game a treasure to both myself and gaming. It is hard! It is still very enjoyable, though. Anyone who loves horror and loves the old vampire and werewolf lore of the movies and pop culture will love this game and want to work through the difficulty. Good luck and whip away!


Here is another flagship franchise, though it has not fared quite as well as Zelda. Metroid features one of the first female protagonists in a combat role before it was cool to proclaim that! Samus didn't care, she took up her cannon and fought those aliens all the same. Whether it be with the Screw Attack or just zapping away with the cannon and missiles, it was all a whole lot of fun. The levels were whirlwinds of exploration and the puzzles were fun to solve when it meant shooting down portals to get to the next room. Metroid was one of the greats for a reason! 

                                                                                            Mega Man 2

This was the game that made it to the shelf before Mega Man itself. My eldest brother already knew this was the greatest of the titles and it was the one that we played the very most of in terms of the series. We liked the other games as we rented them from Blockbuster. We know Heat Man, Wood Man and Metal Man, those are the ones with the awesome soundtracks and their levels are awesome. This title has some rough puzzles to do on Quick Man and even Dr. Wily's stages have some rough patches. We all remember the bomb walls and the multiple cannon section. Either way, this is one of the games we spent the most time on and it will always be the greatest of the series!

                                                                                        Dragon Warrior

This game was the first that I remember playing and it is the first that I remember beating. Rescuing the Princess, fighting Green Dragons, Axe Knights, Goldmen and Metal Slimes has to be on the forefront of gaming. It is such a fun ride to go through the lands, fighting off monsters and fighting your way to different caves and different towns. Each town has some sort of help to give you, whether it be new weapons or secret items that help you along your mission. The story is rather simple, but the gameplay is more complicated than it needed to be. It was early fantasy rpg, among the very first of its kind and a beautiful early installment to the genre. It belongs on the top of this list and thou hath thine own opinion to voice! Reveal unto thee and drink thine water!

Duke Nukem Forever - Late to his Own Funeral

If you want to know Duke Nukem, obviously it all began way back when computers were awesome and low tech as hell! A lot of people will point...