Gamer Hangovers

 Ow, my head. Aspirin, please. Hey, guys, time to pack it in for the night. I know, it's daytime and the sun is up. Yes, the bed is covered in nacho cheese, I'll clean it tomorrow. Whatever, let's face it, New Years is going into its 5th day and the booze isn't helping. Sure, the landlord sent us 3 citations and we stole his dog for the night, so what? We make bad choices and right now, I don't want to hear about them. 

In fact, after such a rough night of partying and moral dilemmas that come of them, all you really need is a blanket, some water, hot soup and maybe hair of the dog. Either way, it is time to relax. Lower the lights, make them nice and dim for your poor retinas and let's see what we have in the old Virtua Catalog. 


You really can't argue with an arcade classic like Outrun. Instead of actually driving when you've wrung your body of its water, try driving on this little gem. The music is soothing, the engine sound is relaxing and the gameplay is so mind numbing and easy, honestly, there's really nothing holding you back. Just be sure you don't suffer from motion sickness, that is a real dang--NO NOT ON THE KEYBOARD!


Remember when I said this game is boring? Well, boring also means relaxing. With a nice, slow point and click game with minimal noise, it's almost like the developers had it planned like this from the start. There's no timelimits, nothing to dodge and nothing to jump around or onto. Just point, click, explore, doze off, explore, eat, sleep. Where'd the day go?


For those unaware, Feng-shui is the art of one's surroundings and bringing balance to their life. It is a way of self expression and the releasing of energy to bring prosparity. Here's a video game for it. You move around weird looking houses and symbol things. It's definitely not something to do while under alternative forms of addled states of mind. You're going to do it now, aren't you? Well, I warned you.


It's building a fish tank and taking care of fish. You literally make their surroundings, choose some fish, feed them and take care of them. I challenge you to remain stressed with the sound of bubbles and the sight of your fishy friends eating. If you're looking for a surrounding and ambience of total tranquility, there are now fish. You're welcome.

So, if you've been less than stellar with your body, try and work some vegetables into your diet afterward, at the very least. You know, when you're sure it's not going to come back up. I know I advocate the drinking of water and hydrating, that much is for real. Just don't do this sort of thing before work the next day, do it on a day when you can put on some nice Virtua Atmosphere and leisure time to just curl up in the covers. Get a fireplace going, maybe invite a loved one to join you and take a load off after a hectic holiday season. 

Happy New Year 2024, 
Let's hope it gets better 

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