Doomverse #4 -- Virtua Top 10 DOOM Games!


What can be said about this franchise that hasn't already been stated a million billion times in the past? Doom was not the first FPS, nor was it all that original of a concept to begin with, but it modernized the genre for its time and inspired many, many developers from its release and onward.

ID software developers, John Carmack, John Romero, Sandy Petersen and Adrian Carmack (no relation) created a game with a simple concept. A portal to Hell is opened up and a lost Marine who was the sole survivor on a base in Phobos has to fight his way through a legion of its minions.

Thus, Doom was created. They took the name from a line in a Tom Cruise movie back in the 80's and thus changed gaming as a whole. It was 3D without actually being 3D. It was a 2D overhead with a different view point, much like they did with Wolfenstein 3D. This one, however, had different levels of detail, and you were able to climb stairs as well as fall down wells into acid pits. The whole thing was given a layer of depth that had never been seen before. It became a phenomenon that still thrives decades after its original release.

Since then, where other, very popular games have failed, Doom has succeeded in spades! While Duke Nukem Forever killed its franchise, Wolfenstein has had a decline in quality, Hexen and Heretic has had a spiritual successor but no official, recent games, Doom has endured because of a standard of quality that has not been sullied. Say what you will about some of these games, they have never reached the level of "terrible".

So, that's where we're at now. At the time of writing this, Doom Eternal is the most recent title in the series and now there's enough material to make a top 10! This will include all of the official releases. Although, of the multitudes of mods, there are some gems that deserve to be on this list. Still, that's a lot of games to go through, so we'll keep it Dead Simple (hoho!). Disagree with this list all you want. If you have qualms with my choices, by all means, make your own top 10 in the comments! Let's rip this list a new one!

#10 Plutonia Experiment

Many have said that this game just isn't worth the effort. It is entirely too hard to get good at and the frustration levels reach unnerving heights. While there is a bit of truth to this, that doesn't mean this game is without its own merits. I have never beaten this entire game, but I have definitely gotten lost in its levels and journeyed through its ridiculous amounts of Revenants and Mancubi. It really just takes practice, circle strafing and knowing when to let the monsters infight to even make a dent in its long list of levels. It's by no means a big favorite, but it is one that I am more than happy to get into on occasion.

#9 Doom 2 Master Levels

While some of these maps are extremely cryptic and very light on weapons and ammo, sometimes it's just so satisfying when you finally figure it out. The death traps in this level pack are some of the most horrific in the entire franchise, that includes Plutonia. Both are strong contenders against one another for the hardest pack of levels. Master Levels of Doom 2 is just another official mod that played around with the Doom Engine and it's just fun to see what they come up with. There aren't any real memorable maps other than Bad Dream and a couple of others, but you can just tell the modders were having a great time making it. 

#8 Sigil

By the one and only John Romero. After decades of lying dormant with the series, aside from some interviews and playing the games he created for the public, Romero comes out of nowhere and makes a whole new pack of maps for all of us to enjoy for free! The maps work far different from your normal fare. He took a lot of concepts and expanded upon them like platforms you activated by shooting the panels. The maps are a bit more monster heavy and stretches the concept in ways that a lot of modders never thought of. The maps are inventive and open up all new possibilities for gameplay. If you have not tried Sigil (or Si6il if you're L337), you are depriving yourself of a good time!

#7 Doom 3

Whatever your thoughts on Doom 3, you have to admit that it was a decent idea to begin with. Adding a brand new survival horror feel, dark spaces, and concepts that still live on to this day, Doom 3 was a mixed bag that was a lot of fun to explore. It pushed the boundaries of gaming graphics and made a lot of the computers of the time strain under its weight, being the first 3D Doom title. Now, with modern computers, that's not really an issue. Later modifications, i.e. the BFG edition, removed the flashlight mechanic and made the overall game easier while also giving you more ammo to work with. Whether you enjoyed it for its challenge, or simply loved the new horror views, it's just a fun game to engross yourself with. 

#6 Doom 64

This was a game that took some getting use to. Many people never even tried it because they thought that it was just another Doom port for the N64. When you played it, however, you'd probably be surprised to realize that it is a different game entirely when it comes to new skins, new maps, and the game mechanics that have been turned on their heads. It is, at its core, Doom! Once you get past the new look and feel of the game, you'll probably even start to like it better than some of the common titles. The maps have some more cryptic puzzles and the monsters work a bit differently but it is still very much the Doom we know and love in a nice, dark package.

#5 Doom Eternal

The one and only, Doom Eternal. At the time of writing this, Eternal is the latest in the series and what an installment it is! Brand new monsters, along with many callbacks and fanservice for just about every Doom fan to enjoy while they tore through ranks of demons! The graphics are stellar, the action is high octane and the difficulty is RIDICULOUS! With the collectibles, the replay value is beyond expectations and secrets upon secrets will have you coming back for more even after your first playthrough. The things that really keep this game from being higher than #5 for me is the fact that the platforming has become something of a hindrance with how much they used it, not to mention the ammo limitation that never gets a lot better throughout its playtime. Some levels are just a slog to get through because you need to be on point with your jumps and charges. Still, any Doom fan should play this, if nothing else than for the final boss which is so satisfying. You may just want to beat him again for good measure.

#4 Ultimate Doom

The culmination of all things Doom and a collection of the original games that took the gaming world by storm! The first episode is iconic and irreplaceable in the eyes of true Doomsters. If you have not played this game and you consider yourself a fan, then that title should be called into question. This game has aged like fine wine and should be revisited on every occasion you feel like you need to let some steam off on hell's minions. What puts this game at #4, however, is the third and fourth episodes. While they are not without their charm, they tend to be something of a frustrating mess. This was when the developers started to throw stuff at a wall to get the maps finished. Thy Flesh Consumed has to be the real low point, in this very subjective top 10 list, for Ultimate Doom. Still, this is the game that started it all and the welcome memories will always come flying back for all old school Doom fans who truly experienced its hayday.

#3 Doom 2016

A return to form that propelled the series into the hearts and minds of a whole new generation. It also gave old school fans everything they wanted and more. Despite a questionable multiplayer mode, Doom 4 killed all naysayers' opinions and brought us to a beautiful new level of ripping and tearing! Having awoken from a long slumber, the Doomguy, now known as The Doom Slayer, broke himself from the chains that bound him and began breaking Hell's legions into gibs and gore once again! From Mars all the way to Hell, you blast through the opposition with all of those glorious guns and weapons of death that you know and love, including the infamous Super Shotgun. Infamous to Hell's minions, that is, because its sinister blast has brought them down to size in more ways than one. After a long, long time of nothing in this franchise, Doom 4 gave us a nice long drink of water when we needed it most. Without any doubts, this is my favorite in the current franchise thus far.

#2 Doom 2 

While many will disagree, Doom 2 brought about a sequel that didn't change a whole lot, but what it did change was new weapons and new demons while bringing about all new places to kill them in. What brings this game to new heights of wonder, again, in this highly subjective list, is the birth of the Super Shotgun. In its debut appearance, it showed us brand new ways to cut down even the most annoying enemies without having the blowback that the rocket launcher had. Doom 2 was not especially stellar in its level design, but really, once you make it through to the end, you tend to remember all of the great parts. The final boss is disappointing, that much is certain, but the Icon of Sin did bring about some very inventive imagery in our own imaginations. Not to mention one of the best parts of Doom Eternal. This title made Classic Doom games whole and became the cornerstone of Doom Mods ever since. That gives it every right to reach #2, that's for sure.

#1 Knee Deep in the Dead

Yes, I cheated, and for good reason. When I said that Ultimate Doom started it all, I wasn't exactly lying, but it also wasn't the whole truth. This is the zenith, the alpha and the primordial entity that is Doom. The game came out as what we Classic Gamers know as a "shareware" version of the game on two 3 1/2 inch floppy discs, only requiring 8 megs of ram to run on those old computers that no longer seem to exist. Knee Deep in the Dead gave us a taste of Doom and whetted our appetites for more! From the Hangar, all the way to the Bruiser Brother Barons of Hell, this was the start of a long, gory and beautiful road. It takes no time to clear these levels but they are so simplistic and beautiful, you never need change perfection. The first episode of Doom is where the team really focused their efforts and gave us a demonstration of what was to come. From here, it's all downhill; straight down into Hell where none shall escape your vengeful wrath!

ID software had no idea that this game would literally build the foundations of their careers and catapult them into gaming legends. While the company is nothing like it use to be, they still know the importance of the big bloody D and obviously put their hearts and souls into keeping its legacy alive and kicking. Now take this shotgun and go have a bloody ball!

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