Super Mario Brothers 3 vs Super Mario World

 Look, we all understand who Mario is and we have some understanding of his games on some level. If you're new to the franchise, you may only know his games on the Switch. Some may only know Odessey or some may even know the Galaxy games. Well, old school gamers know two things when it comes to Mario. One, if you say Mario 2, you're going to hear someone say "It was originally Doki--", yes yes, we get it! And, two, you either like Super Mario 3 better or you like Super Mario World better. 

There are many views on this subject and there are several theories, but in the end, it all comes down to the era and which side you were on in that era. You either were born into a family that currently had a Super Nintendo, or your family could only get a Nintendo, so you were subjected to one or the other as a result. Whatever the case may be, there is so much to love on either game. 

Super Mario World has some graphics that just scream 16-bits! These are those strange graphics where the team was experimenting while also proving their expertise carrying over from the previous game. The haunted houses with the Boos and the Bowser Castles with the Thwamps look very stylish and polished. Then, there's Yoshi. Everyone loves Yoshi. Virtua Venus, my space partner from space loves Super Mario World better because of Yoshi. He was the face of Nintendo for a time and has proven to be quite personable with different colors available on Mario Kart 8. 

Then, there's Super Mario 3, coming in before the game I just talked about, with such a style that has been copied but never duplicated. This game has secrets and flutes in its many great things it contributed to gaming lore. Anything from the giant world to the Tanuki Suit have been referenced in so many other games along with the raccoon tail and the automatic screen side scrolling time limits with limitless pitfalls. There's a lot! Let's go with that. 

When people decide which one is better, a lot of people may realize that these two games are quite similar. While the feather isn't exactly the leaf, there are quite a few familiar levels that show up in both games. Many monsters make new appearances, though one of the developers apparently discovered American Football, because those weird villains charging at you in pads was a little surprising in the first level. 

One cool thing many will observe in Mario 3 is that, from the very beginning, it is a play that Mario is acting in. You see the red curtain at the very beginning and you notice that much of the first few levels are screwed into the back like a stage. You can even go behind the stage if you go on top of one of the white blocks in the first level and press down for a bit. That way you can dodge all of the enemies and just run to the end. All you need to remember is to jump the falls. 

When it comes to difficulty, that's a crossroads that both of these games share as well. You can beat Mario 3 much faster because of the flutes and it is one of the most speedran game along with Doom. Overall, Super Mario World is probably considered the more difficult game but that's really dependant on what's more difficult, the water levels or the moving platform levels with all of the floating spiral platforms? 

One point against Super Mario Brothers 3 was the movie, The Wizard. Don't get me wrong, this isn't a terrible idea and it was a successful campaign overall, as it had been the first time it was ever done. They advertised their third title release at the end of the movie and showed the kids competing to play it. It really was an iconic moment in gaming and one that old school gamers will always remember. The movie itself, however, was absolutely horrible. The acting in it was beyond cringe, but that is very acceptable by many people. So, many will consider this a plus. Super Mario Bros. The Movie, however, that's another article. 

One day, the polls will say Super Mario Brothers 3, the next day, Yoshi's first game will be the victor because everyone loves the dinosaur who spits fireball red shells. It's really a testament to their greatness and a declaration of integrity to have created two knockout titles in such quick succession between two different systems.  Mario has a rich and deep history with gaming in general and there are so many games in the library to cover. He and Sonic's rivalry can never be overstated as one of the biggest in Video Gaming. Planet Virtua celebrates Sonic more but we're of a mind that Mario deserves his kudos. Just wait until we get to the Super Show! Momma Mia!

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