Doomverse #13 - Doom + Doom 2 + THE Doomverse itself!

There's a new Doom update, and much like Quake, there was skepticism. Also much like Quake, there was beautiful liberation. This update is not without its little problems, but overall, it is very much worth the change. If you already owned Ultimate Doom on Steam (which they changed back to Doom recently before this), then you already own the update. While you may have, for some reason, not wanted the update, it looks like they didn't give you much of a choice. Though, you do have the option of opening the DOS version. 

The best thing about this update is that it gives you a whole lot of options. This includes all of the official expansion to Doom, along with No Rest for the Living and Legacy of Rust. With Plutonia, TNT, and the Doom 2 Master Levels, this was a whole lot of guts with which to rip and tear. On top of all of this content, there is extra content from the original Doom. Original meaning, the demo and the shareware versions. You can look through images of concept art and the figures they scanned for the monsters and weapons. 

Legacy of Rust is technically being considered official as well. Since it was created by ID Software in collaboration with Night Dive Studios. Night Dive is responsible for this collection of content and deserve a lot of praise for such a complete collection of Doom put all in one place.

BUT WAIT! THERE'S MORE! Yes, if I sat here and talked about how much content you get from this, it would take a long while. There are even custom made wads and maps that you can download like from the Steam workshop. They download them and you can unsubscribe to them if you desire to do so. This will allow you to play maps like NUTS, and face down a ridiculous amount of monsters in what they call a "Slaughter Map"! This is a very fine example of a slaughter map, and there is a way to beat it, but good luck pulling it off. 

Some basic nitpicks here and there, though, as there are some. The menu looks awful. The font is very basic, and even the HUD text looks a little mundane. Another small problem was, if you had mods on your Doom already, you need to look through and get them again. At the time of writing this, the custom maps are being reuploaded to the servers and a lot of people are having to wait. Oh well, honestly, this is very much worth it. 

This means that Death Matching and Co-op multiplayer is back on the menu, boys! We have a whole new generation of Doomguys to blow apart with missile launchers! At least, this is true for a little while. Quake, sadly, seems rather baron at the moment, as the update hasn't seemed to have the same staying power. It also doesn't help that many of the players are only playing on private servers. Either way, Doom multiplayer is some of the oldest and greatest multiplayer, as it is one of the very first games that did it. John Romero was also the first one to coin the phrase "Death Match" and basically INVENTED trash talking! 

There is seriously a ton to cover and Doomverse is up to the challenge! Stay tuned for even MORE DOOM! Planet Virtua will be taking a closer look at this update and look more into some of the expansions! There is so much to look at and there are even some custom maps that we'll be investigating for Doom awesomeness! Virtua Doom Mania!!!  

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