Virtua Turkey Cooker 3000!!!

Virtua Thankfulness is upon us! More Virtua Turkeys must be harvested for the Thankfuls! We must take to the Virtua fields and hunt us down Virtua Turkeys and the turkey equivalents. Find your weapon of choice and we must fight them now! Our travels will be vast, through Hyrule, Mars and even South Park! Yes, this is the true journey of gaming in order to feast upon the Virtua flesh of turkey and have left overs for sandwiches. Do not forget Virtua Gravy!

While we eat and watch the Turkey Day Mystery Science Theater 3000, we must plan the next day of feasting in Thankfulness! Our eating will be followed by our long journey, but do not forget to pack the left overs. Let us keep watching our show and prepare to take down evil horrible turkeys!

 Doom 3 Turkey Puncher

Super Turbo Turkey Puncher 3 is only for the most manliest of men who must man Turkeys to death with their fists! Go onto the Mars Station and find this arcade machine! The Virtua Turkeys are not going to punch themselves. Turkeys must be had for Virtua Thankfulness! 

South Park Turkey Shooter

South Park for the N64 requires much discipline in the ways of shooting and harvesting Virtua Turkeys! These are aggressively terrible turkeys, and you must be on top of your game! Gain your guns and fart bombs to take out these horrible specimen of Virtua bird flesh! Fully automatic weapons and winter gear are required to decimate the Virtua Turkey ranks and take down their numbers! The Thankfulness must be had! Virtua Fire!

Duck Hunt Dog Hunter

There is more bird flesh than simple Virtua Turkeys and Virtua Duck may also feast upon in Thankfulness! Fire them down and keep up the firing! Now, once you see the dog, primary target verified! Fire at the dog and don't make it look like he is the reason you are hunting! Do not question this! There will be Virtua birds for the Thankfulness but the dog must go as well! No one needs to know and no one shall question his absence! Go! Onward, to Hyrule!

Link to the Past Chicken Attack

Virtua Chickens are an acceptable bird in order to feast upon! Begin by going to the fields of Hyrule where chickens dwell. Next, begin to attack them with the sword of Thankfulness! This will bring us more chickens in order to feast upon in Thankfulness. Yes, I will be going over here while you do this. There is no questioning this action, keep slicing the chicken! I'll be running away now! Keep attacking chickens and do not worry about them pecking you into oblivion! The Thankfulness is had! Happy Turkey Day!

Duke Nukem Forever - Late to his Own Funeral

If you want to know Duke Nukem, obviously it all began way back when computers were awesome and low tech as hell! A lot of people will point...