The new DOOM games have not fallen far from the greatness that was always DOOM! In some ways, they have risen from their predecessors and found new heights to reach. In some ways, they have become overly gimmicky and stuffed full of needless story. Either way, Doom is still great and part of that comes from the demons each of the games possess. If it weren't for this element in the new titles, they would not have the impact or keep the fanbase satiated. We're Doomsters, we need blood and guts and they need to come from zombies and demons! Here's a look at the best of the new demons that must be slain!
Cyber Mancubus
When having a gigantic tiger-striped blubber demon with flamethrowers just wasn't enough. They had to upgrade those digusting things' armor and equip it with cyber acid technology that deals ridiculous amounts of damage. Why the idiots on Earth decided that equipping demons with more cyber tech was a good idea is beyond me. They seemed to love to just give them the guns to shoot them with and it's hilarious just how terrifyingly dangerous they tended to make them. The cyber mancubus would be a borderline mini-boss if they had a bit more armor, but a solid line of plasma rounds or three shots from the super shotgun will take care of this problem. Just stay out of their line of fire!
Hell Knights
The Summoner
When the Archvile was still in the nether, the Summoner came out of literally nowhere and started teleporting around the area. It not only summons lesser demons into the fight, it also fires off powerful energy projectiles that take off a decent chunk of your HP. They are bullet sponges of the worst kind, because they can be very hard to hit. Use the plasma rifle or anything more powerful than that. If you catch some other opponents in the blast, the BFG is preferable to taking random damage from random directions. Take them down as quick as possible with the chainsaw or the supershot gun if you can get close enough.
Doom Eternal brought us yet another slippery, fast bullet sponge opponent. Whiplashes send hard energy blasts at you from below, or just whip you when you're not paying attention. Taking these guys out with the chainsaw is preferable to trying to taking them down with an assault rifle or normal shotgun fire. Like the Summoner, these guys are hard to hit because they just won't stay still!
Doom Hunter
Heavy weapons from hell. This is their answer to the Doom Slayer as they equip it with missiles, a chainsaw, energy weapon and a plasma shield around its body. These guys are literal tanks and they come on hard! Once these guys started, they were bosses, then they became a double boss level, then they just became one of the mini-bosses with an entire horde of demons nipping at you at the same time. Use your most bombastic weapons: missiles, plasma rounds and ballista shots do the best against them and don't forget to keep moving! Circle straif at all times and kill them good!
The snipers of the hell world. While they are capable of close combat, they prefer to run away from you and fire at you with a very powerful railgun. The hits are hard and they can be a little hard to kill. Just aim to keep up with them and keep on them with heavy fire. They're harder to kill than an imp, but not by a great deal. Try and catch them before they run to gain vantage on you. Sometimes, though, it's just best to hit them with their own medicine and snipe them from a distance.Tyrant
The demon that screams "I am not a Cyberdemon"! When they redesigned the Cyberdemon for Doom 4, they basically couldn't use that character design anymore, nor could they reintroduce the Cyberdemon itself, so, enter the Tyrant. They are very hard to kill, they possess missiles and attack you from a distance. That doesn't mean they are weak close quarters. In fact, they are ridiculously strong, and they even have a resistance against rockets, much like the original iteration. Make these your priority targets!
Fireborne Baron
The Fire Baron takes the concept of the Baron of Hell, covers them in flames and gives them daggers to stab you with. So, now, you have a Baron that things its a Hell Knight, covered in flames and coming at you with pointed things to jam into your optical orifices. These guys need to be taken down with a chaingun to keep them at bay and keep a good pressure on them. The Super Shotgun also repels them as they jump at you, but you need to keep moving and keep firing!
Icon of Sin
The Icon of Sin wins again. That's right, his recreation and the way they brought him back into Doom Eternal made him into a powerhouse of awesome! Not only is he more powerful than the Kahn Maykr, but she was even trying to keep him asleep to keep control over him. The Doom Slayer took that power away from her and unleashed him in order to destroy him. The Icon of Sin is the largest titan and you need to shoot every single part of his body in order to break his outer armor and his outer layer of skin. Once you have brought him down to a skeleton of gore, bring him down and you will prove that you are truly the ruler of Doom!