Mega Man 2 - The Legendary Sequel

Capcom has had a very successful run of sequels. Resident Evil 2, Street Fighter 2 (pick whichever you want, they're all good), and everyone should know which Mega Man we're talking about here today. Call this a review of both Mega Man 1 and 2 because the two are commonly compared. Mega Man started strong on the NES, and the level designs and functions were quite unique in the ways of not only level selections, but also differing levels. 

Then there came the mechanic of gaining powers. Not only did Mega Man 2 take up on this, but it also improved upon it. While both games boast very iconic boss battles with their awesome character designs, Mega Man 2 just had more and better variants when it came to their attributes. Different weapons could be used against their opposing Robot Masters. Of all of the Masters you hear of, Metal Man is usually the best of the selection to get first. 

We all love Guts Man, especially his ass, but Mega Man 2 also had Heat Man, Wood Man and Bubble Man! Flash Man's ability could even stop time completely for a short duration. These were all just weapons to make you equipped to take on the bosses, as well as many of their traps and mechanics in their levels. Quick Man has a section in his levels where large blazing bars run across the screen, and while there is a way to dodge them, it is just made so much easier with Flash Man's time stopping ability. Metal Man's ability allowed you to shoot your blades in vertical and even diagonal lines across the screen. His blades were some of the strongest weapons in the game! 

This game is known for its jumping and shooting mechanics, as well as its high flying platforming action. However, what this game is also known for is its soundtrack! There is some of the most amazing music in this game and it is almost worth playing just to listen to these amazing tunes. Wood Man and Flash Man have some of the best music in their backgrounds, but everyone will remember Wily's Stage 1 for the rest of their lives. There is a band called Bit Brigade that plays some of the best rock renditions of these songs. If you have not heard them, I bid you check them out. 

Mega Man 2 can get very frustrating in some areas. Going through some of the later stages can get hard, esepcially when you need to use Crash Man's bombs to get through walls and shoot wall guns. If you have played this game, we all know the pains of speed running that nightmare. However, some of these levels are just worth playing for their simplicity once you have mastered these controls. They have some more annoying points than others, like some of the moving platforms in Air Man's level and the rolling platforms in Metal Man's. However, once you've found your way of dealing with these difficulties, they become an old challenge that you can mentally train yourself to overcome with a smile. 

This is one of the best titles on the Nintendo Entertainment System. This is the greatest game in the Mega Man library. While Mega Man X remains its equal in the X and Mega Man series, that is another review for another time. Mega Man 2 is a great game to start people on with platforming. It teaches rhythm in jumping, dealing with some challenges that may be complicated at first, but are overcome even at very young ages. If you have any of the Mega Man Legends collections, getting the first one is worth it for this game alone, but there are also some greatness in the later games as well. Mega Man 3 is definitely no slouch, but again, that is another glass of water for another time. Drink your Bubble Lead!

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