Sonic 3 - The Shadow of Knuckles

The first thing I would like to advise all of you to do, before I begin this movie review, is show up late to the movie theater. Usually, showing up early to movies now means that you will be bombarded with multiples upon multiples of commercials. These are not trailers for the most part, they are actual commercials and there are entirely too many of them. There are so many that they actually delay the movie BEFORE they finally get to some mediocre looking movie trailers. Waiting for this movie was like pulling anxious teeth and by the time it actually started, I almost forgot what I went to go see in the first place. 

Sonic 3 starts off very inconsistently. For some reason, the first few scene are choppy and feel very rushed. The story goes from Japan to England within the blink of an eye. It isn't until we get introduced to Dr. Robotnik's long lost grandfather that we finally start to feel like the story has become more evenly told and the characters become more fleshed out. 

Shadow is one of the highlights of the film as a whole. Not only is his backstory well told but it is also very heartfelt. While his strength is a tiny bit inconsistent from time to time, and his redemption is a little rushed, he is one of the most entertaining factors in the film. Jim Carrey plays both Dr. Robotniks and they even acknowledge this in a meta moment that got a good bunch of laughs in the theater.

It was good to see that they did not forget about Tails or Knuckles in this whole thing. It would have been very easy for them to leave them behind to focus on Sonic along with Shadow, but they included all of them in the action and the moral of the story. They still kept them relevant to the plot and they even had some very good comedic moments as friends. It was heartwarming to see how close they had become and it was always a treat to hear Idres Elba as Knuckles. 

They even brought the human characters back, and thankfully kept Rachel out of it aside from a cameo appearance. Where her wedding scene was the worst part of the second movie, her small partial role in this was actually useful and even somewhat comedic. Pretzel Lady and Donut Lord do not have as large of roles in this, but they are included to the benefit of the story. Even the comedy relief cop guy was in it for two seconds in something of a lame appearance, but thankfully he is given to us in a small serving. 

Jim Carrey in his dual role is a very good bunch of scenes, and they even gave Agent Stone a very meaningful part, while dropping his more corny one-liners. In many ways, this gives it a better edge than the second movie, where they leaned a little heavy on his comedy routine with the evil doctor. Robotnik and his grandfather have a complicated relationship that is actually a little heartwrenching, especially with the elder Robotnik's ties to Shadow's backstory. 

The story is simple and while the beginning is a bit rushed, the eb and flow of the plot goes well and keeps up a steady pace through the second and third act. They even give enough fanservice to the audience without outright insulting their intelligence. The fanservice is earned rather than the normal forceful intentions we've seen from other, less successful studios in their recent productions. It goes to show that there are still those out there who understand their source material, especially when they only bend the story slightly to allow for more crowd pleasing. It does my soul good to see that this has been reflected in their ticket sales. 

While the story is deeper, it's not overly complex and we get to see plenty of comedy and action where it is needed. There are cracks here and there when Shadow delivers a punch to Donut Lord that is taken more seriously than the other scenes of violence. It's still a good movie for kids, even given the deeper plot, and there are plenty of laughs to be had with Jim Carrey, along with Sonic and friends. Keanu Reeves feels like he is giving a serious, but also genuine performance to round out his part in the new cast. 

It's something to be said that this is the third entry in the franchise, as it not only stays with the level of quality we've seen but also outshines the previous entries in more than one way. To say this is a rarity for a video game movie to stay the course and deliver a great threequel is an understatement. Even the best video game franchises have tripped at this point in their creation and it's wonderful to see Sonic 3 is a proud addition. Let's hope they keep it up, because it's obvious that they're going to keep surfing along this wave. There still seems to be more to tell and they thankfully kept it open for a fourth installment. The Blue Blur speeds on and we're here to see where he zooms. 

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